Who: Russia, Yaha, America, and England eventually.
Where: Elysium, America's prison cell.
When: The morning after
this nonsense and
this phone call.
Summary: America's been naughty and Yaha thinks he needs a spanking. Or maybe brutal torture... This calls for Russia.
Rating: We'll start at R and go from there.
Ivan was in an exceptionally good mood today. He could detect traces of smoke in the air from the riot fires still, which invigorated him because he always enjoyed the self-mutilation of a land. He'd also spent the night in beautiful Yaha's company, which actually did the opposite of exhausting him. He was full of energy and ready to expend it. He was smiling in the pale light of dawn.
This would be his first visit to the POW camp. He was disappointed to find that it didn't look much like a POW camp at all but, like many of the buildings in Elysium, shining and clinical. He'd hoped he would find his fellow nations filthy, starving, and in rags, but the image dissolved as they were led through the halls to the place where America-- Alfred-- was caged.
At first the guard wanted to enter with them, but Ivan gave him a cold, silent stare until he simply handed the keys over and took his station down the hall. Ivan then offered the keys to his companion, murmuring sweetly, "After you, my dear Yahachka."