I've never remembered disasters.

May 28, 2008 18:20

Who: Belphegor and Cloud Strife.
Where: Abyss - Krank Schmutz Circus
When: Late night.
Summary: Prince Belphegor wants to take his very best house-mate ever to a night at the Circus. Cloud doesn't know what he's gotten into or how to get out.
Rating: PG13.
Other: Clinical studies show that Cloud mind-breaking is beneficial for the liver.

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He'd never liked the circus.

(Even as a child, small and staring up at the roars, hugging a distant leg tightly), but this one would probably be even worse. Even more theatrical, even more cruel with its performing animals, and Cloud watched the tent's doors open and close over its inhabitants gracefully in the night's wind. He didn't like anything in Abyss, really - there was something about the dank level of the city that crawled onto and into his skin. He could feel wet grime coating the back of his neck, but there was nothing there when he raised one hand to get rid of the filth.

So he eyed the tent warily, a frown obvious on his face. Belphegor had harassed him nonstop until he was malleable enough to shove out the door, to lead like grinning kidnapper down to Abyss so late and cold in the spring night. Cloud was obligated to him for the sake of having a place to live and he sighed softly as they approached the bright tent's flaps.

Do I have to, do I have to, the movement of his limbs, the way his face drew tight and uncomfortable with every step closer.

cloud strife, belphegor

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