[thread] hello, woodpecker.

Jan 26, 2009 16:20

Who: "Wretched Egg" Shiro; OPEN to any and all in Terra
Where: Streets of Terra
When: After Matt causes intermittent black-outs.
Summary: "The lullaby" is gone. Shiro's alter-ego surfaces. This is a very, very bad thing for everything in her way.
Rating: R.
Other: Shiro has donned the "Red Man" suit and is going on a rampage in Terra. Any characters in the Alpha Omega Research Facility or it's surroundings will notice an explosion from inside, and consequential explosions in the region as she makes her way out. Any characters who jump in are preparing themselves for the potential of serious physical injury and perhaps even death. (If you want to get fucked up but really don't want your character to die, just let me know.) This will last until the power returns and Shiro goes back to normal or is collected by the Research Facility personnel.


The stench of it in the air drowned out everything else, even the thick scent of sulfur from burning fires and remnants of fireworks still going off overhead. Fires were burning. Debris was scattered across the streets. The sound of civilians caught underneath the rubble of collapsed buildings was a droning human symphony.

The Wretched Egg smiled.

How long had it been since it had been free? Too long. Kept tight under lock and key by the shackles and chains of bags of flesh who had been the first to die. It had no patience for lesser creatures who provided no amusement. The world needed to be fun again, and there was one surefire way to ensure that.

Crimson fluid leaked down over the red-stained armor to drip in a pitter-patter across the pavement as it flew towards a crowd of fleeing ants; it didn't matter. It wasn't interested. It wanted to draw out the big guns.

"Woodpecker, woodpecker..."

[For clarity, the timeline of the threads below go as follows:

Kazama -> Spider-Man -> Seras -> Claus -> Yosuke & Kazama]

yosuke hanamura, shiro, claus, peter "spider-man" parker, kazama souji, seras victoria

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