(no subject)

Jan 17, 2009 22:17

Who: Vino, Nagi - open to Genkaku and the mansion's residents
Where: Liebert Mansion
When: Night hours
Summary: Vino is looking for damaged goods
Rating: R
Other: Ma~ggot ma~ggot

With a cheerful springy jauntiness in his steps the coated figure past street lamp after street lamp. The feeble light illuminated him at brief intervals, betraying his uneven appearance to the all but empty streets; from the waist to his left shoe Vino's side had been soaked in deep streaks of blood. To a casual observer the man simply looked to have the misfortune of having his clothing splashed with muddy water from a passing car as the night reduced the crimson from deeply contrasting with his attire.

Acquainting information had never been a challenge in a sprawling metropolis - lots of cowards and small time crooks with a low tolerance for pain. Vino was not obliged to resort to violence by the previous situation, but there were folks he just didn't enjoy handing his money to in exchange for their two cents. He had paused at the gates of the mansion and thoughtfully peered through the iron bars. That... was more accommodating that he had thought - no opposition in sight, the security hence must have been housed within the walls, whether electronic of flesh. The latter would have been splendid, he mused as he easily scaled the fence and proceeded into the building.

His hands nonchalantly set in the pockets of his coat Vino traversed the gloomy rooms in search of this Nagi, personality. He was looking forward to dying the rest of his semblance once he had met the man.

vino, kengamine nagi, nataku, genkaku

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