[THREAD] and then just MURDERED him

Jan 09, 2009 07:23

Who: Genkaku, Nagi, Rokuro; also open to Johan, Alucard, Nataku
Where: The Liebert Mansion
When: January 6, 2 AM
Summary: Genkaku sent Nagi an 'invitation', and it's been accepted.
Rating: R

SEMI-9 and SNIPERED him. on that WALL they posted him. they CORNERED him. )

kengamine nagi, nataku, rokuro bundou, genkaku

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striginae January 12 2009, 05:11:39 UTC
Ravaged by pain and tainted by the sluggish nausea of blood-loss, Nagi's consciousness was fading rapidly -- and yet, he clung to it with a fierce determination, staving off the spots of black eating away at his vision only through sheer desperation. What exactly had happened was lost to him -- all he knew was that the immediate threat Rokuro presented had been nullified. But even amidst these events, he didn't miss the drawled words, tinged with the smug laugh. (No. No, I refuse --) "I'm not yours." Words spat out in between rasping breaths, thick with bitter hatred, a loathing that was almost tangible even through synthetic tones. "I don't belong to you."

It was a weak defense, of course, and even he knew this -- but still, this was something he could not let go. (Not you. Never to you. I'll die before letting myself become anything associated with you.)

Then the next moment, he was aware of the ribbon curling around his limbs, sending jolts of pain shooting through his body -- choking back a voice, he concentrated instead on the words, grasping at something to keep himself grounded in reality. (Nataku. A name he'd heard before. Where? He knew it, but who --) "-- let go of me." Perhaps it was the slow bleeding that was eating away at him, but his words had fallen in volume -- somewhere between a whispered demand and a plea. Struggling instinctively against the ribbon, even knowing (equally instinctively) that it was useless -- a hollow, exhausted gaze passing over the boy and Rokuro before turning a cold glare to Genkaku. "I --" Breathe in, breathe out, feeling the air burn inside his chest with each shallow gasp. "I refuse -- to play along with your games."


hypermonk January 12 2009, 19:30:32 UTC
The monk’s mouth parted and a deep dark laughter emerged when the bloodied half-corpse spoke his protests. It was fucking cute, the way Nagi would try and pull away and shit, hell, the fact that Nagi even had a gun was hilarious in itself. When Nataku walked past, Genkaku just gave out a wide grin and turned on his heel to go to where he had directed Nataku to take Nagi.

"Oh yeah, when you’re done with Owl." He muttered deeply and looked over his shoulder to observe the other that passed out. An irritated groan left his mouth and he drew out his arm to point at Rokuro. "Tch...take that one too. Just dump him somewhere in a spare room. Wouldn’t want the boss to trip over and break his hip ya’know."

Fingers reached into his pant pockets and he drew out another cigar, placed it between his lips and lit it. He idly kicked the ruined guitar by the couch and inhaled deeply before making his way to where he was going before.


soulparadox January 12 2009, 19:40:55 UTC
When Nataku heard 'Owl' to be let go, he stopped walking. If this person was a gust in their house, was it not his job to make sure that they were treated kindly? He was trying to do the same for Nina, for however much that was worth. The ribbon wrapped around the injured person's body loosened slightly; they held him very much like one would carry an injured person, under the arms and legs, and a good distance away from Nataku's own body so that blood did not get on him. But now that they loosened, 'Owl' was hanging a little closer to the floor like he was to be dropped.

It seemed like his weapon was just as troubled by the request as he was, and so it was time to ask an outside source -- the one who originally ordered him to do this task. He paused to look back at Genkaku. "Am I to let him go?"

"Oh, that one?" That had been something that he was curious about. He wondered what was to happen with the other guest that was now injured. However, Nataku felt a little concerned about the fact that Johan could hurt himself in such a situation. Perhaps, he should not have stopped to ask if he should agree with 'Owl's request and just done as he was told first. Then, there would be less of a chance for an accident to happen. Still, Genkaku seemed to like this person and Nataku would not want to do something against the person that was liked by the monk. "Understood. I will do that as soon as the fate of this one is decided."


striginae January 12 2009, 20:04:42 UTC
Strange, how everything seemed so muted, dulled -- words coming past a wall of plaster, images starting to fade and blur. Nagi was vaguely aware -- past the pulsing waves of pain that resonated through his nervers -- of the way the ribbon coiled beneath his limbs. Not a violent gesture. And the way this boy spoke, too -- naive. (But it was growing harder and harder to process these thoughts. Blood loss, he thought. And shock, probably. It wouldn't be long before he lost consciousness, at this rate, no matter how hard he tried.)

Head falling weakly to the side, he listened closely, focusing intensely on each word -- it took him that effort to understand what was going on, and even more to force rasping breath into spoken words -- halting and stuttered even with his synthetic voice. "-- the senator -- how have you kept this -- from him?" A hard swallow, and Nagi forced back the twinge of anemia-induced nausea that curled thick and bitter at the back of his throat.

"You can't -- continue this." Another struggle against the ribbon holding him, but progressively weaker, barely substantial now. "Let me go."


hypermonk January 12 2009, 20:16:00 UTC
Why the fuck was it so hard for Nataku to understand? Jeez, what a goddamn pain. It was starting to piss the monk off and he turned back to Nataku with frustration marking his features, though he let out a somewhat playfully mocking laughter and exhaled the toxic smoke.

"Listen bro'" He murmured half-assed, "Alright...listen to me." Genkaku started to talk slowly now as though Nataku was a student and Genkaku was a teacher for the class of special retards. "You take him, alright?" A gesture directed to Nagi. "Take him to the damn room where I fucked around with his girlfriend. Come back." Each word drawn out over a raspy voice. "Grab this shithead--" He pointed the occupied hand to Rokuro, "Take him to a spare room or some shit."

The monk ran a hand through his hair and then walked up to Nataku, a half-grin turned his lips upwards and he gave Nataku a rough pat on the head. "Yeah, don’t listen to what he says." A headtilt to Nagi. "So...go on bro, it isn’t a hard thing to do."


soulparadox January 12 2009, 20:35:56 UTC
With each gesture that Genkaku made, Nataku followed it with his eyes -- nodding shortly after each order. Though, he was not sure if the monk saw each note of compliance. Still, he could have probably done without the pat on the head. It had made him flinch, more so what he considered the sudden movement into his personal space than anything else. Regardless, these orders were a lot easier to follow through with. Already, the ribbon was wrapping tighter around Owl. It was not meant to hurt the man, since it seemed like he had enough injures to deal with, but to create proper support for him as Nataku hurried to the area ordered to him.

It was not that long of a trek, though, he had to be a little careful as to not jostle the injured person too much before they arrived. Such an odd room, but he had other orders and could not dally long in wondering about it. Still, he thought that he should say something of encouragement to Owl as it appeared that he was having a difficult time with his injuries -- unlike his little sister. "It would be best not to die. Genkaku would be unable to play with you if you do so. Do not be a sore loser, if you please."

Having said that, he quickly returned to Genkaku's side to pick up 'this shithead.' This person appeared to be lighter than Owl and so it was not so much trouble for Nataku to pick him up. The only trouble came when the head injury stained his shoulder, but he most likely would not be allowed to complain about that. As before, he looked for any room to put this individual in -- as he doubted that the monk meant to actually throw the person into the latrine.

Upon finding a suitable room, he set the injured party onto the bed. Like before with Nagi, he fretted about leaving him like this. Tearing off a small portion of his ribbon, he wrapped it around the other's head in a haphazard manner. "If you are here, Papa will not trip over you. Stay here until you are no longer a burden, please."

Finally finished with his orders, he returned once more to Genkaku to alert him of their completion. Halting in front of the monk, he remembered the salute that Schrodinger had taught him and properly saluted. "Heil." A pause before he returned to his original stance. "It has been finished. Is there anything else that you need me to do so that Johan is happy?" Yes, he considered this all related to the Senator's happiness somehow, because that is what a bodyguard was supposed to do, correct? Make life easier for him?


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