Nov 08, 2004 18:22
Okay, so I really do like someone else... No one is allowed to know because I said so; Deal with it. YES! I love this song. Wake Up by Lost Prophets. They rock so much. Here's a few pointers to rock in my world:
1- Stay away from cameras. I don't care who the hell you are, I am the only one that takes pictures.
2- Stay away from that perfume that smells like shit. Okay, it might smell like Heaven's grace, but it's a living nightmare to me when I smell it (headache galore.)
3- Do NOT come up to me with 2 tons of make-up (Hint hint, colorguard) asking me if you're pretty. I will always say the complex and ever meaningful "No".
4- Don't ask me to listen to any kind of popular music; I listen to the un-popular good music, thank you very much.
These rules don't apply to her. She's allowed to do anything she pleases. Don't even try to test me because until I'm satisfied with everyone's misery, everyone will suffer. ~~~<3 To her.
That's a.. um.. flying heart, I suppose.
**Thought of my free time: M4th 15 3v3ryth1ng. Sp00ky. 1 10v3 h3r 50 much.**