Spirt of the Century

Nov 26, 2009 07:16

With a little bit of trepidation (and some minor modifications) I ran a Spirit of the Century game entitled "The Century Club and the Celestial Scroll". First off I'm impressed the game runs as well as it reads and I'll be using this system a lot more in the future. The aspect invoking and tagging worked quickly and everyone got the hang of it pretty quickly, invoking, tagging and even declaring things until the Fate points were all spent and our intrepid heroes emerged bloody but victorious!I didn't really use aspects as compels enough, so unfortunately I didn't get to explore how that part of the mechanic worked.

Having everything set out on the character sheet worked well meaning that we didn't actually need to refer to the rulebook once during play so things stayed fast and furious. I must remember to include something about consequences and character concept on the sheet, but those are minor problems that can be dealt with as my skill at character sheet design grows.

The plot of the game was basic but suited to the pulp genre, the heroes have to retrieve ancient Chinese scrolls stolen from the British Museum (they'd been aquirered by the museum at "considerable effort") and the players tracked the scrolls to Hong Kong and ended up fighting triads, an evil cult of martial artists and toad daemons. Before Fleeing the temple scrolls in hand as the mountain exploded behind them (it was a Volcano).

As a GM on the whole I think I handled things fairly well, the players had fun and I was enthusiastic and managed to keep the pace of the thing right. Personally I think I rail roaded the players just a bit too much and I could have done a bit more reading to get a feel for 1920's Hong Kong and to find out what the Chinese equivalent of ninjas are, but it worked out well enough in the end. In the end though firstly and most importantly the players had fun and secondly I have my GMing self confidence back!


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