Jun 04, 2006 16:45
I've been out of internet time for a whole week now and I've been WAY too lazy to update... *slaps self* Anyway...
One of the forum members at TPTS, Martin, made an invitation for a Battle for Middle-Earth 2 moot, where we were to go to this internet-slash-gaming cafe located in Cubao, Quezon City... Unfortunately, it seems that I was the only one who took the offer. So on the 28th of May (gathering around a hundred pesos plus some leisure funds from my dad), I set off to the McDonald's branch where we were supposed to meet. I sent an SMS to his cellphone, asking him for a time allowance of up to 1:30 PM so I can make it to the place, which I did. I met Martin (the mastermind of the BFME 2 moot), and after a personal meal of large french fries, a burger and a coke (which didn't seem to make me any fatter), we set off ot the place... It was only the two of us, with the others more interested with another moot at the University of The Philippines.
Martin said that they would open the cafe at 2:00 PM. We were there by that time, but nobody was there to open the cafe... So we killed time reading the novels we brought, sharing them both, and buying snacks from the nearby 7-11.
2 hours later...4 PM
YES! Somebody finally opened the internet/gaming cafe and we finally got our seat reserved. Going in first, I checked out the Evil Campaign (because the 'dark side' suddenly took a hold of me). Okay...for the first mission, we got Goblins about to invade Lothlorien...with the Mouth of Sauron and 3 Nazgul. Nice.
At first I was confused about choosing locations where to build your resource-gathering structure (Goblin Hole), since Martin said that they have to be built in a location away from the fortress to maximize income, but once I got used to it, it was "build where it's 100 %" (or at least the maximum percentage of income it can get). I built a lot on my side of the river, then a few on the other side (seems that those Goblin Holes also serve as their version of GLA Tunnel Networks from C&C: Generals.)
Martin also informed me about the new dynamics of the game:
Swordsmen: strong against pikemen, archers(?)
Cavalry: strong against swordsmen, archers(?)
Pikemen: strong against cavalry, structures, monsters(?)
Archers: strong against cavalry, swordsmen, pikemen(?)
Anyway, my goblin army torched Lothlorien, though I was only able to rescue 1 Mountain Giant. I loved commanding the Mouth of Sauron and the 3 Nazgul with him...speaking of which, they were sent to kill the Elven heroes (Haldir, Celeborn).
Second mission, and I was commanding a bunch of Umbar Corsairs (Yargh!! Darn pirates... I feel like kicking their "Captain's Quarters"...lol...) to capture 2 shipyards and build Corsair Frigates (their workhorse naval unit...dunno what they are really called...) as a prelude to invading the Grey Havens... When I saw the capture cursor, I was like, "why does this look like the capture cursor in Generals??". Obviously, most fans of EA's RTS games know why, so there.
After receiving the message to destroy escaping Elven transports, here comes one Elven transport and I heard the Corsair ship comment, "Our first catch of the day..."
I've heard that in a famous Sci-fi movie somewhere before...
Oh well... After ship to ship combat with Elven Frigates, I was tasked to use those Corsair Bombardment Ships (the BFME 2 equivalent of the Dreadnought from C&C: RA 2) to destroy the battle towers on the shore in order to pave the way for a landing. Even when that was said and done, I had to protect the landing fleet with my Corsair Frigates (by now with upgraded armor and firepower), or else, no army to invade the Grey Havens.
Upon landing and killing the enemies on the shore, I was greeted by a mix of Goblin Swordsmen and Archers, Half-Troll Pikemen, Men of Umbar and a Goblin hero riding a giant scorpion, which I first thought was a rip-off of the "Scorpion King" in The Mummy Returns.
After establishing a camp, I sent most of the Goblin Swordsmen marching forward, backed up by 2 Goblin Archer companies, only to encounter Battle Towers...and Elven Cavalry... Good thing I had my Half-Troll Pikemen close by, and sent them forward to kill the horsemen...they're also effective against those Battle Towers and can somewhat shrug off archer fire.
Later, I had a hard time with some of the Ents guarding the Grey Havens, and one of the archer companies was reduced significantly, as well as reducing most of my Goblin Swordsmen ranks...
Back to the naval battle. I sent the two bombardment ships (escorted by Corsair Frigates) to destroy one of the fortresses in the Grey Havens which was close to the water. Some of my ships took fire from Elven Frigates, but with upped armor and firepower, the Elven Frigates were the ones who got owned.
Even though the numbers of the Goblin Swordsmen and Goblin Archers were seriously reduced, they killed off the Ents and I still got my Pikemen... It was all downhill for the Elves defending the Grey Havens and it felt good to be evil for once...
Martin took the next turn, playing the "War of The Ring", which includes turn-based movement of armies and heroes, which may be similar to EAW (if I do get to play it).
When my turn came again, I decided to make my own hero (an Easterling named Khamul... Sounds familiar? He is...), and played a skirmish game on the Minas Morgul map against a Goblin Army and an Isengard Army (with me in the tower side, of course...BWAHAHAHAHAHA!). Khamul was unable to level up that much since I was also able to summon the Witch-King... Sadly, unlike the old BFME, he no longer starts at Level 10.
I got one section of Minas Morgul's outer wall destroyed (*frown*), but I later blockaded it with Battle Towers and a Barricade (special power). Finished off the Isengard base with my Orcs, Khamul, The Witch-King, and my Level 5 Easterlings (I chose granting experience as one of the powers of "Khamul"). I then turned to the Goblins, with the Wiki going in with an airstrike as my ground forces moved in. Resistance came from some Half-Trolls, a few Mountain Giants, and loads of Goblins, but were eliminated. Summoning a Subterranean Wyrm for insurance, my army destroyed the Goblin base.
I was only there up until 8 PM, and by then, I had a hard time getting a ride home (plus worrying about getting robbed). I made it to the LRT station, then went for a last trip to the mall to buy the Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge PC game before the mall closes.
I returned home around 9 PM... Only to find out that my bro has already spent the remaining prepaid internet time... Hence my week minus the internet.