May 19, 2005 18:08
Well..since everyone is doing a shout-out thing..I think I will follow the little trend and do one also!
Alison- You are my best. best. best. best. BEST. FREAKIN FRIEND! I dunno what I would do without you! I mean..come many people would take me to Wal-Mart and make me feel better? I dunno very many that would! And the Lightsaber fight in the middle of the aisles, and my emotional break-down in the toy section, and riding the buggys and almost hitting the mexican's and big screen T.V.'s! I dunno what I'm gonna do this summer without ya chick! I love you sooo flippin' much!
Ryan- You are the greatest guy a girl could ever want! I don't think I could survive without you! You mean so much to me! I love you so much! isn' perfect...who ever said it was..but I think we are damn close to it!
Tyler- We might not be as close as we used to be, and yea we have our fights..but who doesn't? We always make-up for is impossible to stay mad at each other! Love ya bunches!
Kayci- You helped me try on prom dresses and tiara' was great getting to know you and you wrote me a poem when I was down and told me I was pretty! You don't realize how much that ment to me in that moment of time..I *heart* you!
Josie- You are a very spastic and "special" person..I am gonna miss all the randomness from you! *kisses*
Jerrad- I met you in German, and now I can have a "little bit of sex" with me all the time! It's written in my binder. But you are so random and such an awesome person! I lovers you! I have given all my little shout out things!