Oct 14, 2006 22:41
I dont understand people today.
While watching the Laramie Project on Thursday, I and many others learned about the hate crime that hit NYC. A 28 year old named Michael Sandy, was attacked and struck by a car last sunday. He was in critical condition. It turns out that Sandy was indeed a gay person. 4 young individuals found him online and requested to meet him somewhere. When Michael showed up he figured out what was going on. The 4 men tried to rub him and beat him up, but Michael ran away. The 4 men were chasing after him and made him run onto the thruway and had him get hit by a car.
Michael Sandy this Friday died of this terrible hate crime. I can't believe that this happened just one day after the anniversary of Matthew Shepard. I can't believe there are still people in this world that think it is fine to make fun of and attack gay people.
I am sorry but I really hope those 4 young men learn to understand what they have done, and hope the life time in jail that they get, they can reflect on what they did.