Dec 12, 2012 19:48
I know talking about the weather is terribly cliche, but I am going to do it anyway, for three reasons:
1) Someone at Weather Underground has an evil sense of humor, because when I woke up this morning and popped online for a bit of forecasting, I was informed that it was currently -6 degrees outside, and that I could expect it to warm up to -8, if I was lucky. These subzero temperatures were expected to continue throughout the week.
2) Later, a peek at the prognosis for this all-important weekend. We are not forecasting in Celsius and/or predicting temperatures for a Talking Rock located in North Dakota anymore... however... it confidently predicts that the HIGH for Saturday will be 52 degrees and the LOW will be 57. And I.... don't think it works like that.
3) Tonight, I am told, will be partly cloudy and 28, with ZERO percent chance of precipitation... except there is a special weather statement warning me that a developing shower could drop ice pellets on my head tonight. Also, there could be a lightning strike. Because why not.
But at least it doesn't say we have a 10% chance of scattered showers. Last time I heard that, it rained ALL DAY.
crazy weather