Apr 13, 2010 19:47
There is a cloud of pollen hanging over the lake this week. No joke - I have never seen everything bloom at once like this. Even the azaleas are getting in on the action, and normally they don't show their colors until the first of May around here. It's like a yellow orgy in the sky.
Thus, Sage and her COPD lungs are having a rough, rough time of it. For five out of the past eight days she's been coughing and wheezing and putting a lot of effort into just breathing. It's making me very unhappy. If she hasn't improved by tomorrow I'll have to have the vet out again; a costly proposition, but what can you do?
After a week of spring break - extra lessons and income! - and a weekend of games camp - the last ever in our big arena - I'm pretty tired. I'm managing to keep up with some things, and failing epicly at others... including commenting and keeping up with friends. Sorry, ya'll! I really do read everything you post, and appreciate it, but quickie-Facebook comments seem to be all I have energy for these days.
Sixteen days before the big move. I'm beginning to pack things, purge things, brace myself for the hard goodbye. Lots of difficult decisions about what to keep and what to leave behind; how to manage at the new farm until the barn is ready and the apartment is available; what to sell and which bills to pay (never a right answer to that one!). Slowly but steadily I am shredding all of my material printed with "Eagle Mountain" and phasing into the new life as "HorseSense Riding Academy".
The main thing I am trying to remember is that change, while never easy, opens doors and windows. This is my opportunity to recreate and restructure my business, and actually the entirety of my life; rethinking some things and discarding ideas and habits that no longer work for me. In some ways that's VERY EXCITING, even if it is hard to look at it that way in the moment!
Something else that's VERY EXCITING - I've now written seventy-thousand words on my fledgling YA fantasy novel! It's not finished yet, but it's getting close. After the past few months of saying "I'm going to finish it.... I'm going to finish it...." it is quite astonishing and gratifying to see the end so near. Then, as a reward, I get to torture myself with revisions for a while. I know it won't be anywhere near perfect by the time I get it sent off for the proof copy, but I'm perfectly okay with that. If it's taken me eight years to produce a first draft, it's reasonable to expect the polishing process to take some time and loving patience.
My gardening muscles are SORE!
This is a good thing.
the big move,
my horsey babies,