
Mar 01, 2010 20:44

Exactly six years ago today, I moved my two horses into a big old fixer-upper of a barn and took the first step into a new phase of my life.  I had four students.  I was so, so naive and so full of uncertainty and big dreams.  Six years later, I have twenty-two students and six horses and a wonderfully growing and awkward adolescent business and everything is about to change again.  I'm going to leave this big, beautiful barn behind.  I'm going to be sacrificing some things and gaining some things.  After this summer I will no longer have an enchanted forest.  But I might have an apartment of my own.

It's big, y'all.  And I have a lot more to say about it, but at the moment I'm very deeply tired of talking on the subject, and I think I'd rather let this gem of a song do the talking for me:


Give it a listen.  And tell all your friends.  And if you know the right kind of people, drop a few hints that the lovely artist of this song deserves a record deal, because she does.  Oh, she does.

Other things of importance:
  • I adore love stories.  Especially improbable love stories.  Best of all when they're TRUE.
  • My string of riding-related luck came to an unfortunate end today.  My pony fell to her knees and I - none-too-gracefully - hit the ground next to her.  My right leg is NOT HAPPY but I was kind of touched because Heaven stood over me and nuzzled me until I got up.
  • I was going to start running again tomorrow, but I guess I kind of need to be able to put weight on my leg for that, huh?
  • The big goal for this week: business plans and budget.  Even though I HAD a plan for this year.  Damn you, Coosawattee.
  • The big goal for next week: get my Bailey boy listed in every equine classified known to man.  It kills me, but it's time.
  • The big goal for this month: finish the novel!  43k down and probably another 30-40k to go.  It will HAPPEN!  And then I can format it into a nice shiny manuscript, and then I can submit it for a nice shiny FREE proof paperback, and there will be much rejoicing.

I'm so very ready for it to be spring.

music, life, friend appreciation, love, randomness, to-do, heaven

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