Jun 29, 2007 14:08
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig;
Home again, home again, dancing a jig.
To market, to market, to buy a fat hog;
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
we've been to market & back a few times in the last couple weeks. LOL ... just got home ysterday from a 10 day trip to wisconsin/illinois. spent a full week at my grandma's house (which sits empty now that she's in the nursing home) .
first time i'd seen my dad's gravesite since his burial. pretty flowers put there by the local flowershop (mom bought a perpetual care package where they put out an urn of flowers every year and care for them in the summer, then take it out in the fall)
lots of picnics & family time, a couple days swimming in a couple different lakes... a very nice red sunburn on my back LOL ...
and a very very boring day at my sister-in-law's .. (won't even call it my brother's house, he's hardly ever there and never spends time with us when he IS there) *huge eye roll*
today i picked my friend and her 2 children up from the airport at one terminal, and dropped my friend off at another terminal to catch her flight, and she left her kids with me, to be delivered to their dad for their first 2-week summer visit since her divorce. she moved to new mexico last january. it was hard for her to leave the kids, the dad's a jerk, but has his "rights" thru the court system to have them 2 weeks every summer. so i'm playing go-between for her, delivering them to their dads, and picking them up in 2 weeks, about 2 hours before her flight gets back in. the kids are BEST of friends with rachael and beth, so it's nice to have them here for the afternoon. got a couple more hours with them today.
brian's off work allll next week, that'll be nice to have him home. he's got an engine project (new clutch, fix the oil leak) on his truck, so he'll be busy with that, but at least he'll be home.
beth leaves for her first overnight camp (3 days 2 nights) on sunday afternoon, pick her up tuesday... she's done one other overnight camp with girlscouts, but she knew everyone there... it was just her troop. this time, she's going in cold, not knowing anyone... but i think she'll have a great time. :)
off to get some clothes washed so i can repack her!