Can I scream now?

Dec 11, 2006 14:30

I've never hated final period. It's stressful, but it's simply part of being a student. That doesn't change, from highschool to college to graduate school. You expect the stress and there is no point in complaining. Just get your work done, study for your exams and break is that light glimmering in the distance.

Of course the end of this semester is a bit different for me. And for once, I find myself harassed, with a desperate need to be alone. Or to yell at someone. Or hit someone. I need an outlet for all this extra aggression and stress. I've had to be so good since Daddy died. I've had to be an adult and now I want to be a spoiled child. Let's pray no one irritates me too much. I really don't feel like snapping. I just want to survive and then go home and be with my Mom and the rest of the family.


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