Sep 24, 2007 17:04
So, after that monster bitch-fest yesterday, to which you all responded so warmly (I appreciate it a lot) EVERYTHING is basically sorted out. I went back to uni this morning with... not the highest hopes but feeling a good deal better than I did yesterday. Then a whole cataloge of joyous things happened.
1. When I got back to my room, my radio alarm was playing dulcet Dashboard Confessional songs to welcome me back. Cute ickle thing.
2. In my room - after sleeping for the best part of half an hour and listening to the cheering melodies of They Might Be Giants - I decided to take a stab at meeting some new flatmates. Not a very direct stab, but I was going to put a note on the fridge saying "Hi, come say hello!" I wrote the note, added some cheerful decoration of the stars and smiley faces varieties, and wandered into the hallway to head for the kitchen. Outside my door, I realised someone was already in there. GASP!
3. Feeling rather a dork putting the notice up while there was company, I stowed the note back in my room and strolled nonchalantly next door and made myself a cup of tea. In the mean time I talked to Katie (sp?) who is from Hong Kong and had also noticed how scarce our flatmates seemed to be. After a brief but consoling chat, she left; I went back to my room, retrieved the note and stuck it on the fridge.
4. While she was gone - though it was only 11 am - I made lunch: pasta with tomato sauce and cheese. It was yuuuummy.
5. Upon heading down to the Hub (aka Halls Reception) to hand in my inventory, I fortuitously ran into one of my other flatmates - the elusive "Shanna" known hitherto only by the name on the pin board outside her room. She was perfectly friendly, though we didn't have long to talk.
6. I went and found out who my new Personal Adviser (aka Royal Viseer *cough*) who is a Dr. Gottfried Mader. I have to go have a meeting with him on Wednesday.
7. After that I went to hand in health centre forms - which didn't happen because I'd forgotten my passport photo, but no matter there were more in my room, I shall go back tomorrow - but the experience helped me find my way around Founder's (the big, pretty, Hogwarts-like building).
8. I then went to the bookshop and talked - for a few sentences - to a guy doing Classical Studies but who is going to miss the next couple of weeks of term (I did not find out why). And then I met Oona! Who is doing History of Science, here, for the next nine months but who was looking at Latin books <3 She is from Germany and has a great love of old books/libraries - a self-described "book fetishist". <3<3<3 So we talked and had lunch for a while (well, she had lunch, I had pomegranate and rasberry juice).
9. Back at the flat, I met Katarina in the kitchen and we decided it would be a good idea for everyone in the flat to get together and have dinner so we could get to know each other.
10. I went on a computer course thing - which was dull as hell, but never mind. THEN. JOY OF JOYS. I went to the Computer Center and they set up the internet connection manually on my laptop! SO I can now use the internet! FROM MY ROOM. Which, my dears, is how I am posting this now. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3ad infinitum.
11. I went back to the flat and found a note outside my room from Katarina saying that we could all order pizza tonight, if that was cool. Inside was a note Alex (a hitherto unknown flatmate) had pushed under the door - saying she would love to do a pizza thing tonight.
12. Leaving out the incident of locking myself out of my room in my socks (fixed by Katarina grabbing me a temporary key), today has been awesome. I love university, and now I must go have pizza! TTFN, my loves.