But I found a much extended version on
semisonicstar 's LJ. So, I've done Placebo and The Smiths before...
01. Are you male or female?
- Queen of the Troubled Teens
02. Describe yourself.
- Mistake Pageant
03. What do people feel when they're around you?
- Poor Thing
04. How would you describe your previous relationship?
- A Modern Way of Letting Go
05. Describe your current relationship.
- Love Steals Us from Loneliness
06. Where would you want to be now?
- Live In a Hiding Place
07. How do you feel about love?
- Not Just Sometimes but Always
08. What's your life like?
- Too Long Awake
09. What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
- I Want to Be a Writer
10. Say something wise.
- Hold Onto Your Breath.
11.) What do you want to do/be in the future?
- Stay the Same
12.) Describe your home life.
- Welcome Home
13.) What would your last words be?
- Too Long Awake
14.) Describe your car.
- These Wooden Ideas
15.) Describe your style.
- Blame It On Obvious Ways
Hey, hey, hey, alibi
Let me shout out your name
To explore exactly why
We throw our lives away
I'm a proper RHUL geek, now. I just signed my life soul free time away to the Historical Reinactment Society, the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Society, the Anime/Manga Society and the Gaming Society, who quite contrary to college rumour seem like a delightful bunch. Not to mention Creative Arts Society. The most irritating thing is that BOTH choirs I wanted to join clash with both Writer's Circle AND Gaming Soc. I mean... those two clash with each other, but Gaming goes on two hours after WC finishes, so I can go to both. I miiight end up going to the Wednesday session of Writers' Circle after all, so that I don't miss any of it. I think Mel wanted to go to the Wednesday one, too, so that should be cool. And Laura, I believe, said she'd go to whichever one I was going to - lovely girl that she is, and I'm not just saying that because she'll read this at some point. Does mean I'm going to have to throw myself back into the fray of booking a room for Wednesdays though. A fight I was hoping to have extracted myself from... Ah, the trappings of command.
Saw Tom in Egham today. Man, has it been a long time.
Been scoping out writing competitions to enter and downloading application forms for a couple of jobs I might apply for...