Who'd'a Thunk?

Sep 18, 2008 09:40

My "happy" music on my computer basically constitutes... strangely enough... Dragonforce. Spent many years thinking I didn't like Dragonforce, in spite of their awesome name. Extensive exposure to TtFatF pretty much changedthis opinion. And, um.... now I have rather a lot of their songs on my compy.

They're actually kinda uplifting. And the guitar solos are nothing if not distracting.

"Try to understand, desperately alive with a dream in my hand
Will you wait alone for me tonight?
Hold me, save me

Star shines in all of us, we'll search for all our lives,
One day we'll find the way, and the reason to survive
Cry for the day to return, like no one can understand
We all face our fears in the world
We all hold our place in the universe for eternity"

music, song lyrics

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