Lear, Mutilation, Plague and Nostalgia. Oh, and did I mention Blind Terror?

Apr 28, 2008 08:02

So, to take a point neaaarly at a time, King Lear at the Globe was awesome. Favourite characters/actors = Edmund, Goneril (sp?) and Lear's Fool - who probably has a name but I do't have a copy of the play on me to check. In terms of mutilation, the eye-ripping-out-scene was fairly gross. Mum and Jay were completely horrified. I couldn't help but think it was missing something - like gold broche pins or something. But then, I'm just weird. *grin* Aha... Plague. This refers to a particularly adorable giant black rat hand puppet named Batholemew. Which now belongs to me. Really, I should be kept out of that gift shop at all costs. It caused me to get:
Batholemew the Rat (name was my choice)
A few new badges, two of which I distributed among flatmates, the others of which were mostly replacing ones I'd had and lost.
Two pots of goooorgeous calligraphy ink a very vibrant blue and a really awesome, poisonous green. ^^
A pencil case, saying "I call for pen and ink, and write my mind."
And a couple of fridge magnets: "Something Wicked This Way Comes" aaaand... can't remember what the other one says. I forgot to get it out of mum's bag on my way home.

The nostalgia is the first part of this wholly unrelated to King Lear. Although... actually the broche pins reference could be considered a link, I suppose. I miss Challoner's. Not in an OhMyGodSchoolwassomuchbetterIhateuniversity way. I'm still loving university (although if Katarina has another episode before the end of term I might go crazy - I'm much more of the listening and not being judgemental supportice person. I'll happily stretch to taking custody of sharps/alcohol if asked. Pulling knives/glass bottles out of people's hands is slightly outside my sphere. Yeah, last night was fun, in case you couldn't tell.) But anyway, returning to Challoner's [which I am in fact, on May 1st, to talk at the UCAS evening - I know. WTH.]... It's SUMMER outside And there's a building opposite my window with brick very much the same colour as the circular builing. ...which, as another aside, I don't think I've ever typed before; it looks really weird written down. Anyway, so... yeah. I was just very strongly reminded of everything that goes on at Challoner's in Summer. The begging teachers to have class outside - almost always refused, the going in for exams (yeah, even the exams have become rose-tinted), the lounging around on the fiel- okay, steps of the science block and/or grass in Lt. Chalfont. Gods help me, I even kinda miss that rush of instant boredom when one of the teachers starts talking about how hot weather doesn't mean the sixth former can wear revealing clothes.

Anyway, I guess I just miss being somewhere that has all its own traditions already. And I just discovered my Greek exam's on a completely different campus. Which doesn't mean much of a walk - at least it doesn't look it, from the map, but I've never been there before, so I may be into a Wahbi Ayoub style excursion to find it before I actually have to be there for an exam at 9:30 in the morning. But I think once I've found it, I'll trust it to stay more or less where it is, rather than spending more time going back and checking that it hasn't moved.

And last but not least, Blind Terror. First exam: Society and History of Rome (The Julio-Claudians) is at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Cue panic. At least it's somewhere I can find. I'm so SO not prepared. But I'm even less prepared for Materials and Methods which is the following day, also at 9:30 - at least that one's not an entirely exam-based module, though. And I got a 1st for the coursework. I haven't even had a single one of the Roman History ESSAYS back! And we have no practice questions. I'm going to fail. But hey, so is everyone else.

All but one of my exams are at 9:30 am. This saddens me. Means actually getting up on time. Roman Lit's at 2:00 pm though. Far more friendly.

29th April: Roman History
30th April: Materials and Methods in Classical Archaeology
8th May: Roman Literature of the Republic
9th May: Introduction to Greek Literature <- we have to answer three questions and you cannot do Epic AND Tragedy. What a mindfuck.
12th May: Greek History and the City-State
13th May: Beginner's Greek <- only one I'm not worried about.

school, shakespeare, university, classics, exams

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