Yes, okay, I joined the other side and got *HUGE DRAMATIC OVERTURE* a paid livejournal account. *gasps from all here gathered* What can I say? I thought I'd see if it was worth it. Plus I realised that, since the prices are in USD, it was actually a helluva lot cheaper than I'd always thought it was. So far... I'm not quite convinced it's worth it, although it is nice to have the adverts gone and a whopping 35 userpics to play with. Consquently I've spent quite a deal of my morning/early afternoon making icons. Including this Eddie Izzard one. <3 And if any of you haven't seen Circle, you are cretinous and deprived and I must show it to you as soon as possible; next time you see me with my laptop, collar me and scream, "OH MY GOD, NADIA, YOU MUST SHOW ME CIRCLE RIGHT NAOW OR I DIE!" And then we shall see...
But yus, I also have:
I'd like to hope at least Emma will get the reference. If she doesn't then I'm disgusted at aaaaall of you.
Because everyone needs a random rainbow icon.
Because... starry! And I didn't think I had enough happy icons.
And, because Torchwood icons = <3...
Mmm Jack/Ianto... the text on that one's not clear enough for my liking though. If you can't read it, it says "Avant garde". Might try that again in a minute, see if I can make it legible.
So, term is ooooover! I got all but one essay in and I've got a two week extension for that one. ^_^ I got 88% for my last assessed Greek test, which makes my average around 95% or something like that. You could say I'm quite pleased with that. You could also say I'm fucking thrilled with that, and you'd be somewhat closer to the truth. And in the email I got from the lecturer who's giving me an extension he was all, "You're too good a student to get yourself into a state about this." I was just like... <3___<3 Why do all my lecturers think so highly of me?! I'm a crap student! I do no work and I make them wait weeks for my essays. O_o
My personal adviser loves me... He's a language geek, so I think begging him to let me take both intermediate language courses next year sealed my place in his favours. Not to mention I'm planning to sneak into the Modern Greek classes too, if I can fit them into my timetable. Ohh, next year is gonna be good. <3 Although I still have to not fail the exams before I can think too fondly of that, I suppose.
When do everyone's exams finish, by the way? Mine are 29th April->13th May. And then I'm DONE. It's so weird thinking that'll basically be the end of my first year at university, although teeeeechnically term doesn't finish 'til June. Gods, time flies