So... Heroes and Villains was AWESOME. I was Faith from BtVS, in time-honoured tradition: vest top in November, Nadia? You must be mad, I hear you gasp. Yes, yes, I am. It was fuckin'freezing. But I survived. Even if I may have slightly lost my voice now.
But yeah... Nadia has - startlingly - been embracing her het studenty side and dancing with a boy (!!!) she barely knows for half the night. 'Twas fun. Even though Charles is possibly one of the least attractive people on the planet when drunk. Ah well, I tell myself I was just living up to the Faith-persona. Anyway, I ceased dancing with Charles when he was stolen off me by Liam. *heavy smirkage* As far as I'm aware neither of them's inclined that way, but it was still amusing to watch. Sadly, I don't have photos of anything past about the first half hour of party because the stoopid fooking battery in my camera went from 'full' to dead in about ten minutes. ;___;
Then Charlotte persuaded me to follow her and Daniel back to her room to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the original movie! So much less crap than I expected, and omg the guy playing 'Pike' [yes, you read correctly] seriously looks like a young, brunet James Masters from some angles.) I don't think Daniel was entirely thrilled by this plan, but in the spirit of female solidarity I tagged along at Charlotte's behest. And was the only one who actually managed to stay awake until the endof the movie, in fact.
Am now back in my room, feeling so hungry you would not BELIEVE. Well... actually I expect you would. But I've like... barely eaten a proper meal since yesterday night and it has been the busiest of all busy days. I swear.
In case I didn't mention it in a previous post, which I suspect I did, but anyway: the day was as follows. I shall cut it from the main text so you can skip it if you've heard already.
9am - woke up
9:10am - washed hair and got costume ready for evening revelries.
10am - ran to Greek
10am->12pm - Greek Language class
12pm - fled to college shop between lectures to grab sweets. Quick energy. 8D!!
12:08->1pm - Greek Literature lecture
1-2pm - attempted to mug up on Greek History seminar notes with Ben - failed.
2-3pm - Greek History seminar (awesome, in spite of bluffing my way through a whole conversation with th professor [shining triumphant moment])
3-4pm - attempted to get stuff MORE ready for evening, collect stuff to take home and make notes for Greek Literature seminar. Succeeded!
4-5pm - Greek Literature seminar (Lysias. Awesome.)
5:05->5:20pm - fled down hill and through Egham to get to train station.
5:24->7:12pm - on various trains to get home, reading Northern Lights (well, re-reading).
7:30->11pm - crap quiz night that the family and I unanimously agreed we would rather (in hindsight) not have attended.
11->11:20pm - dashed home to try to find letter opener that looks rather like a sacrificial knife for Faith costume. Failed.
11:30pm->12:10am - was driven back to college. (*loves her mother so much sometimes*)
12:10->12:30am - changed clothes and queued up outside SU, freezing to death but in a very chipper way with Melanie and chatted to already very drunk girls, one of whom was called Jess and one of whom was called Sophie (Hmm...).
12:30am->3:15am - Heroes and Villains party, involving much screaming of the lyrics to crap Backstreet Boys being some of the classier... songs and scandalous dancing. Spent early majority of party extremely enjoyably, if not quite so scandalously, with Melanie and Charlotte (Melanie was Buffy, it was very cool), then Daniel was added to the possy, and finally Melanie went home to get some sensible sleep and her place was usurped by Charles.
3:15->3:30am - sat outside SU with Charlotte and Daniel, talking nonsense over a can of coca cola (the best way to talk nonsense).
3:30->5:00am - watched the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, see above. Was the only one still awake at the end.
5:00->5:01am - walked back to flat.
5:10am - started typing this post. ANYWAY.
Also, today provided some more awesome Nick Lowe quotes, that I shall showcase for you fine types now.
[-not a quote but,- that's it. I'm feckin' hungry. I'm eating the sour Skittles...]
"There's this brilliant [law court speech] about this man trying to defend his right to a state pension, in spite of the fact that he's been seen snowboarding..." (not actually from today, but I'd forgotten I had it.)
On Xenophon's Symposium, "You can see it's a sort of soft porn gentlemen's show."
"When I drink a lot, Lycophron is my favourite Greek poet."
"Another of these really great, dirty Greek writers."
"I would show you shopping for dildos, but..."
"That's why I don't like you, Lysanius, because you shag anything that moves."
"This is Zeus' favourite ball when he was a little baby Zeus... you can't get these in Argos!"