Title: LIES AND DISGUISES [Case4/??]
Author: Nene & Shinju
Characters: Hey! Say! JUMP + Kiriyama Renn as Hidari Shoutaru, Suda Masaki as Philip and Yamamoto Hikaru as Narumi Akiko + OCs
Guest Characters: Kinomoto Minehiro as Terui Ryu, Sato Takeru as Nogami Ryoutarou, Sakurada Dori as Nogami Kotarou, Matsumoto Tamaki as Kohana, Eitoku as Urataros
Pairing/s: none for this chapter
Genre: AU, friendship, drama, angst, romance
Rating: PG-13
Warning: expect blood shed on the future chapters...
Summary: Ten young men destined to be hated by fate and lost in the darkness of truth, will love lead them to change and melt their stoned hearts?
Previous Cases:
One |
Two |
The Characters,
How it all started Case Summary: Two weeks after the failed mission.
It has been two weeks since their last mission. )