Want Any Ancestors Found?

Feb 01, 2006 08:40

As most of you know, I'm obsessed with family history. In fact, I am almost as interested in other people's ancestors as in my own. So I had an idea (one had to come along eventually!) If there is anyone who would like me to have a go at tracing their ancestors a bit, I'm willing to have a go.

All I need to start me off is one person who was alive in Britain at the beginning of 1901. The name is, obviously, essential, a date of birth (or approximate date) useful. Anything else you could tell me (places, relatives etc) is helpful. Just put it in a comment here and I will see how far back I can go.

I have no experience of searching in other countries, but I'm willing to try. Just give me all the information you have and I will do my best.
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