Jun 21, 2014 14:01
History repeats itself. 7 days overdue with no signs at all of baby coming. At least this time around I am more relaxed. I would prefer not to have to have an induction but seriously, what can you really do? With Simon I spent the whole last week of pregnancy death-marching through the neighborhood, eating entire pineapples and spicy Indian food, bouncing on a yoga ball, having The Worst Sex Ever, bouncing on a yoga ball WHILE having The Worst Sex Ever, and he still came at 42 weeks exactly. This time I am not wasting my time on any of that crap. I'm kicking back with my feet up, eating turkey sandwiches (if norovirus and bronchitis didn't kill this fetus, what's a little listeria?) and watching the History Channel. A week from today, either the baby will be here or they'll pull her out forcibly. And hey, at least it's sunny outside.