
Feb 23, 2005 17:05

Today wasn't all that great. The only bright side of my life is Maira.
I want to get my math going and pretty much out of the way. I want to learn it and get it done so that I may worry about other classes. I want to the same with my Recent American History and Individual in Society. Then I can concentrate on my English and Basic Business Stats. That's my plan. However, I need the time and everyone is in my way. Maira is my best supporter. She'll leave me be. However, everyone else is a pain in the dick. Yes, that's how much it bothers me, a pain in the dick. Not ass. Too general. We're talking specific, don't-want-it pain and that involves the dick.
My job is being stupid. My freaking regional manager is the most inept cocksucker in the world. He loses shit, forgets shit, and I always have to resend, send, copy, whatever for this guy. I loathe inefficiency. I get my shit done and go for the next goal. This guy slows me down and it's not like I can say, "Hey, jackass, grow some balls and brain cells and get your act together. You're slowing me down." Too bad I can't without bad consequences. Oh well.
Sometimes I hate my intelligence and efficiency. People become too dependent on me. It's as if they won't be able to get what they have to do then they can sure throw it on me to help or finish it for them. This happens at home with my dad or at work especially. It's a catch-22 really. You don't man-handle things and they think you're a piece of shit. You man-handle it and they take advantage of you. I'm screwed either way. But looking for the good in it all, I just do it because I'd rather be seen in a good light rather than a bad. Imagine I want another job and the old/current boss says, "Yeah, he didn't get shit done or it was half-ass and I had to get on him." Bye bye job acceptance. I wish they could give you a class in college for working. I heard they do that in some cases, but you'd have to be an expert at your job and like 30+.
Maira is so great. She's just awesome. I love that girl. But I feel so empty when I have a good or tough day because I can't see her expressions or feel her caboose for more satisfaction or stress-relieving. If I could have that girl cuddle in my bed every night I'd have no problems. Good thing I don't stress out like some people do.
Don't you hate it when someone has to do an activity or chore and they complain or don't know what to do and you try giving them a head start and/or know how to do it awesome and fast and all of the sudden you have the person begging/pleading for you to do it or "help" them? Yeah, after talking to Maira, I'm stopping that shit. You don't do it, fuck you. I'm not doing this shit that I don't have to do and you get credit or satisfaction. I got my own shit to do. And even if I'm chilling and bored out of mind, STILL.
Oh and to finish off this rant, I want conservative religious bastards to drop off the face of the Earth. They impede progress, maturation, and all in all piss me off. Stop taking my rights away so you can be happy reading your Bible. Fuck that shit. Bunch of bastards. "Oh God said that's wrong." Oh yeah? Most of these jagoffs perform their own dastardly deeds, but that's ok because they're "forgiven." Whereas you're a demon destined for ridicule if you perform the same sin or even less. "Save the Christian Rapist/Murderer! Burn the Atheist teenager who had an abortion!"
Anyway, there you go. Now off to write more notes for stats. Good class though. I like the prof and I actually have an A. 97% baby on first exam. 2 more to go.
I love my baby. MUAH MUAH. I feel you.
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