May 06, 2007 22:59
Country of Service: Mali
Length of Stay: 27 months
Departure Date: July 18-20, 2007
Andrew's Job: Natural Resource Management (Forestry)
Nicole's Job: Health Extension (HIV/AIDS awareness, pre-natal care)
Living Conditions: Mud/adobe house, no electricity, no running water, 2 days journey from capital of Bamako.
Diet: Millet and rice, little chance of fresh fruits or vegetables or meat.
Local Dangers: Mali is one of the most politically stable countries in Africa, though one of the poorest. Crocodiles and hippos are prevalent along the Niger River.
Level of Excitement: Moderate. This assignment was basically the worst-case scenario. This is exactly what one thinks of when they hear "Peace Corps." We still want to go, but we (mostly I) need to think about it some more. Also, I somehow got switched from teaching English to teaching Muslim women how to use condoms.