The long quiz thing....
********************YOU, YOU,YOU********************
1. Nicknames: Nena, Kath, Peanut
2. B-day: Sept 15
3. Age: 31
4. Sex: F
5. Social Security: *Smile* Why do you want to know?
6. Where do you live: Bangor, Wisconsin
7. What school do you attend: None
8. Siblings and their ages: 2- sister 34yrs and brother 40yrs
9. Pets: 2 cats, one dog, 4 fish
10. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
11. Righty or Lefty: Righty
********************YOUR LOOKS*********************
12. Hair color: Darkest Brown
13. Eye color: Brown
14. Height: 5'5"
15. Do u wear contacts or glasses: Glasses for driving
16. Do you have any piercing: Ears
17. Where do you want them to be, if you want more? No more thank you!
18. Do you have a tattoo: No
19. If so what and where:
20. Do you wear any rings: Diamond Engagement
21. Do you have a certain fashion you follow: Casual, Dark
******************JUST LATELY***********************
22. How are you today: Good, and you?
23. What pants are you wearing right now? Black Jeans
24. What shirt are you wearing right now: Black Fitted Sweater, red stripe
---------- where's 25??? Forgotten like the redheaded step child?
26. What does your hair look like at the moment? Curly, long, same as always
27. What song are u listening to right now: nothing
28. What was the last thing u ate: Salmon dip and Wheat crackers
29. How is the weather right now:? Crisp, light breeze, sunshine
30. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Local Assessor
31. Last Dream you can remember: Frantically searching for my niece lost at Six Flags Great America. (She’s never even been to Great America)
32. Who are you talking to right now? I’m not talking
33. What time is it? 4:00
***************MORE ABOUT YOU!*********************
34. What are the last four digits of your phone number: 4982
35. If you were any color crayon, what color would you be: Purple
36: Ever almost died: Yep
37. Do u like the person that sent u this? I hocked it! But the person I hocked it from is pretty nice!
38. How do u eat an Oreo:? Twist open, throw away the white stuff, eat the cookies.
39. What makes you happy:? My Daughter
40. What cd are you going to buy next:? Nelly
41. What religion/denomination are you:? None
42. What's the best advice ever given to you? Never shave your legs with goose bumps.
43. Have u ever won any special award? Not that special. Just work stuff.
44. What are your future goals? To keep my job, and work from home.
45. Do u like to dance? Sooooo much
46. Worst sickness you've ever had? Mono sucked, but Lymes has the worst long-term effects.
47. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done? God, where do I start the list!
48. What's your favorite memory? Looking into Alicia’s eyes for the first time.
49. If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Less PMS
50. Where do you shop the most? Kohls, Festival
51. How many kids do you want to have? Maybe 2 more
52. Son's name? Julio, Justin , Solomon, Nicholai, Connor,
53.Daughter's name? Alicia, Future, someday: Julianna, Francisca, Simone, Odessa, Cordelia
54. Do you do drugs:? No
55. Do you drink: Sometimes
56. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Aussie or Matrix(if I have the cash)
57. What sport do you hate the most? Bull Fighting
58. What are you most scared of? Losing my Daughter
59. How many TV's do you have in your house? 3
60. Do you have your own? One in my room, one in Alicia’s room, One in the family room they are all mine!! Bwahahaha
61. Phone line?: One for the house, then Mario, Alicia, and I all have our own cell phones.
62. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No
65. Who do you tell your dreams to? Mario
66. Who's the loudest friend you have? Kristen.
67. Who's the quietest friend? Olga
68. Is Cheerleading a sport? No.
69. How many licks does it take to get to the center:? 4 minutes or so
70. Which came first, the chicken or the egg:? The Chicken
****************YOU and LOVE************************
71. Do you believe in Love? Yes
72. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend: I have a Mario
73. Do you have a crush: yes
74. Who is your crush: Mario
75. Did you send this to your crush: no
76. Do you believe in Love at first sight: Yes
77. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon: Mexico
78. What song do you want played at your wedding: I haven't a clue
79. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Eyes
80. Longest crush: Andy, Kindergarden-7th grade, many, many, many years ago
81. Are you shy to ask someone out:? Yes, Very
82. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? My family
83. Do you find yourself attractive:? Sometimes
84. Do you find yourself ugly:? Not really
85. Do others find you attractive:? no
86. Are you a virgin: no
***************WHICH IS WORSE?**********************
87. Making out with Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie: Marilyn Manson
88. What's worse having your tonsils or appendix removed: appendix
89. Boxers or briefs [T-back or regular ol' panties]: Boxer briefs
90. Curly or straight hair: Curly, short
91. Tall or short: either
92. Six pack or muscular arms [hips or rack]: arms
93. Good or bad guys [girls]: good!
94. Hat or no hat? Either is fine for just hanging out, no hat for going out or during sex
95. Ears pierced or not: not
96. tan or no tan: Dark & smooth, but naturally
97. Dimples or not: love the dimples!
98. Stubble or neatly shaven: No stubble, it scratches, neatly shaven is nice
99. Rugged or sporty [sassy or classy]: Rugged
100. Studly or cutie [babe or hottie]: Cute, but not cutie
101. Glasses?: fine
102. Smart or dumb: smart
103. What sport should he [she]play:? Whatever, doesn’t matter
104. Dependent (whipped) or independent: independent.
***********PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT********************
128.Lights on/off: candles
129. Sun or rain: Rain, warm
130.Mickey D's(McDonalds) or BK(Burger King): BK
131.Do u like scary or happy movies better:? Happy
132. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC:? NSYNC
133. On the phone or in person: in person
134. Paper or plastic? Depends on the items
135. Sausage or pepperoni: Sausage
136. Summer or winter: Winter
137. Hugs or kisses: hugs
138. Chocolate or white milk: Mixed
139. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper:? Dr. Pepper.
140. Glass half full or half empty: half full
141. CD or Tape: CD
142. Tape or DVD: DVD
143. Cats or Dogs: Dogs
144. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O
145. Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
150. Skiing or Boarding:? Skiing
151. Day or night: night.
152. Cake or pie: Pie
153. Diamond or pearl: Diamond, But both are great
154. sunset or sunrise: Sunset
****************YOUR FAVORITES*******************
155. Color: Purple
156. Food: Mario’s tinga
157. Fast Food: Grilled Burritos
158. Candy: Skittles, or Twizzlers
159. Flavor: Cinnamon
160. Sport: None
161. Music: completely mood related
162. Station: toss up between 93.3 and 95.5 happy or dark/sexy
163. song: Just like Heaven, The Cure
165. and: Jesus Christ, this list is long!
166. number: 12
167. Actor or Actress:? Nicolas Cage,
168. Fav. Month: November
169. Show? Charmed/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, (ya, I gotta get out more)
170. Board Game: Scrabble
171. Saying: “God, Ya Dork!”
172. Loved someone so much it makes you cry: yes
173. Drank: yes
174. Broken the law: (using Jersey tough guy accent) What are we talking here, like Traffic laws? Or like little bunny fufu poppin someone in the head?
176. Ran from the cops: yes, more than once, but only for traffic things… and drinking, but not together
177. Stole something: I stole this survey
178. Tried to kill yourself: no