Everyday I'm Procrastinatin'

Jul 29, 2011 10:49

Busy, busy, busy times happening. Half the family is out of the country on vacation, I'm applying for a new job that may or may not be night shift, and my sister's radiator just cracked. Add in the fact that I've already started classes for A+ Certification and my current job may be looking at me to move up sometime 'soon' (which could be anywhere from a month to three or four), we have a little bit of stress going on.

But nothing too bad, flist, don't worry.

However, if my sister expects me to put my work schedule on hold to transport her to hers she has another thing coming. :/ Most likely me caving and doing what she asks...

I haven't been on as much as I would have liked, is there anything I've missed that I should know about? Huge issues, large celebrations, drunk posts? XD

sister, real life, work

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