Happy Cinco De Mayo!

May 05, 2010 21:47

I know that I come here a lot to complain so I think I'll change that pattern with this post! XD

Things are going well (surprisingly so)! Not only was I not on grill yesterday morning, but I was trained on boards for lunch! For those of you who don't know, that's the person who puts together most of the food that you get, specifically the specials. There are many others involved beforehand, but the boards person usually the one to check it and pass it to the front. I was pretty chill about it, mostly because I had two very capable people trying to teach me and doing a majority of the work. ;D They said I did okay and they'll probably continue training me on Saturday.

I then changed my availability to TRFS 7-2 and when the schedule came out they had given me all my hours!! If this keeps up for the summer I may not need another job. (I still want one though)

I then came home and went to sleep. At 4pm. :D 12 hrs of sleep FTW!!

Interning went pretty good as well, I even found out I have an OpID. They're going to see if I can be given more access so I can start helping them with things!! :D This will help a ton, especially because I am interning on both M and W now!

On a side note, I just want to mention that I'd forgotten how violent our cartoons were as children. Shocking in retrospect

real life, work, summer fun, internship

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