Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu

Apr 30, 2010 23:25

Goodbye April, you overly hectic yet lethargic month you. See you in eleven months! I shall hate you even more then! XD

So, the first four months of this year are up. That's one third of the year -- POOF! Gone! I have no idea why this surprises me so much. Time seems to be slipping away from me.

Things to do in May: Finish last exam, get back grades, find a second job, practice driving, get driver's license and car, exercise more, keep up friendships, hang out with sister. :) I think that is more than enough, don't you? Well, alright. I'll add 'learn PHP/MySQL' to the list as well! XD Who knows how much will actually get done.

How have the rest of you enjoyed this fine(?) start to the year? Good, crappy, SNAFU, MLIA(wesome)?


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