Man, I am really looking forward to getting out of my parents' house and getting back to campus. I don't care how hobo my living arrangements are, I go INSANE when I have to live with my family. It's no wonder I got outta here at sixteen. Sheesh.. If I have to spend ALL summer here next year, I'll lose it.
Tomorrow is my first Lasik consultation. They'll be diluting my eyes to run some tests. I'm pretty nervous about the whole thing. I guess I won't be able to see too well for an hour or two. I won't know if I'm even eligible for lasik unless I go and get this done, though.
I have to update sooo much. I have so much fanart to add to the fanart page (and still, Birthday fanart to show), so many people I need to link to-- not to mention redoing the whole "Heard" website. It's terribly outdated and glitchy, I just haven't gotten around to it. When I redesign the page, it'll be for the new website-- running independantly from Smackjeeves. By the way, over 850 fans on Smackjeeves now. Wow! I must be doing SOMETHING right?
For anyone going to Dragon-Con: Do you have any extra table space for me? It'd be great if I could get a little bit of space to sell some stuff.
In completely random news, the new FAINT album came out today! It's great, by the way. And cheap! I got it in a store for ten bucks, but you can get it online for a nice price.
Check it out, peeps.