May 28, 2010 06:29
Lets just say that I for one have never cared much for Jackie Chan. Maybe becuase when I was little I used to be teased by being called Jackie chan, since my nickname is Jackie as well. But thanks to someone close to me, I qot over it :). But whatever, back to Jackie. I may not have been a fan of his much when I was younger, but now for some reason I find myslef eager to go see his new films. I don't know myabe because he is older. I also hated "The Karate Kid" when I was little, but can't seem to stop myself from wanting to go watch it. Maybe because I find Jayden Smith so adorabley cute, and I love his parents :). But whatever it is, I can't wait for his movies to come out and hope they are good, or atleast funny :).
Well that's just my random post for the day lol.
Oh and today is my mom's birthday so.....................HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM :D!!!