Dec 01, 2007 10:46
i had orientation for DAS yesterday, so that was my official start date. the three of us who were hired had all worked as student interpreters here already; the interpreter who was our guide said something like "this was the easiest orientation ever." we had several hours of learning about benefits like health insurance and retirement. i have a ton of stuff to fill out and hand in next week.
my office is smack in the middle of DAS. i know one person in my office and i met one of the others yesterday. i don't have a key yet because the last person who was in there (and moving upstairs apparently) hasn't turned in the key yet, but i got a peek. i have a corner. ^^ i can't wait to put some of my stuff in there. i know, last thing to think about, right? but it's neat to say i have an office. ^^ they gave me a little welcoming gift for it too, some paper, pens, highlighters, and a whole box of thumbtacks! heheh.
monday i only have one 2 hour assignment and no classes of my own, so it will be my "sit in my office or the library" day, until they add more assignments later. right now i'm at 17 hours of interpreting. they'll add more as the quarter goes on to get me up to 21 or so. so right now, my wednesdays and thursdays are pretty full, my fridays are too, but mondays and tuesdays are a bit slow.
i have two id cards to try and not lose now. both my staff and student ids are active, so if i lose one, it's like losing both, and i would have to get both replaced. really i can't see myself using the student id much except for maybe a discount at jay's or jitters, and one interpreter told me that she gets away with using a staff id anyway at jitters. the sign does say "college id." it doesn't say "student college id." heh.
i'm going with meg to buffalo today to interpret (not DAS related) and we won't be back till late. looong assignment. and that's about all i can say. :P back when the interpreting field was trying to figure out it's place in the world (not that we aren't now, but more so), some interpreters wouldn't even tell you that much. they would say "i'm going to go get ice cream" or such things. which surely protected confidentiality, but also made it so no one had any idea where you were.
so, yeah. i'm going to go get ice cream. in buffalo. for 7 hours. yeah.
hopefully tomorrow will be a clean up, do laundry, go to the gym kind of day. not necessarily in that order. then i'll be all ready for monday.