Aug 01, 2005 18:00
So i've been getting into Elliott Smith recently we listened to him on the way back from the cabin and he is nuts. His music is happy, his lyrics are depressin and the combination is just excellent. But thats not why im posting. Just letting out some of my anxieties, start a new job tomarrow in San Carlos. Gotta impress the execs and let them know i mean business and im an asset if i can do this ill have it made. But still nerves and such, it's scary been quite a while since i've been in a pure corprate envirolment. It worries me to say the least, im odd and it seems its been getting harder and harder for me to hide the fact though im always trying. At least to be presentable to the outside world. Take me as i am, is true enough, but one of the great failings of this world is the neccesity to fit in. The geniuses as there called by todays crowds are not. There just ultra trendy in the past the greats were out casts, now there the epitome of what they think we should be, idols and poster children. But im rambling wish me luck. I need a change me thinks.