Apr 25, 2017 10:44
I have 2 days off in a row! Two of them! I've been working 6 days a week for the last month or so. It's been good paywise, but not so good life-wise. I missed out on an eBay selling promotion that really would've helped me and I'm 8 (9?) books behind on my reading challenge.
I lucked out and got another eBay promotion for 500 free auction style listings so I'll be trying to list 30 (or more) things a day. I also need to review a book, novella and coloring book; record 3 videos (I'm a dork and I post hauls and crap on Youtube.), do laundry, go through my magazines and recycle them, etc. Work work work work. I don't know how to take a day off even though I'm completely exhausted and fighting off bronchitis.
Well, it,s 10:41 and I'm still in bed. My sleep schedule got messed up last night. I have to get started.
random crap