Well, its England VS USA. And no offence to the US - but i really really hope that you lose.
COME ON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit - i've just head cheering outside - yaya!!!!
Edit Edit : We still won 1:1
Anywho, I watched Arashi ni shiyagare today. I wanted to watch it live but got back from the gym a bit late. However, someone kindly posted a link to it on youtube so all was well. ^_^ As I don't speak Japanese the conversation bits were a bit lost on me but the more visual stuff was funny like Ohno getting the little samurai man. (i think it was a samurai man - i've no idea!) He didn't look to pleased ^_^
And the cooking and food bits i loved. I love love love to cook so i always find them really interesting. But to be fair most of Arashi shows are a bit like cooking programmes! I rewatched a lot of the Mago mago arashi children's dinner episdoes recently and have picked up some resipies I want to try. Anyway my favourite bit was the double takes. So funny. Jun, Nino and Ohno's were the best, Aiba's looked he was doing Zoolander's Blue Steel and I don't know what sho was doing but it made me laugh the most ^_^
Good times man, Good times