Another in my Ingress/Niantic Fanfiction line Title: Saturnine Screams
Author: docwho2100
Fandom and Pairing: Niantic / Ingress - Dr. Devra Bogdanovich and Gensue Neslin
Rating: PG-13 tiptoeing towards R
Timing: This takes place after the #Voynich event and before #Cassandra NYC
Disclaimer: Niantic/Ingress are the property of Niantic Labs and Google. No infringement intended.
Author’s Note 1 - This is based on the discussion between Devra and Hank in NYC during #Cassandra and what might have gone on that Devra referenced ( This is also based on my interest in biomimicry and Victorian times (yes I like me some steampunk) :o)
Author’s Note 2 - This is a different type of story and narrative (as Devra alluded to in the video, this will get very dark and bad). There are layers here. I’ve tried to use different colors and fonts and styles to help the layers (a big nod to the format of House of Leaves). Goodluck, Godspeed and May Your Soul Remain Always Yours