airports make me giddy

Dec 01, 2007 17:02

I wrote this Nov 26 while in the Atlanta Airport trying to get home after my holiday trip


What I did today

Ok - flying can sometimes be an adventure after waiting in Atlanta airport for 10 hours, flight having been cancelled the night before and now it is delayed and changing gates like crazy - well - I got a little giddy… witness below…

Friend1: how is your luck going?
me: wellll
me: i had to change gates
me: so i said poof this and i am eating soup now
me: haha
me: spicy enchilada soup
me: and veggie sandwich :P
me: i go check in a bit - they aew still holding to a 35 minute delay
me: but at least i may get into atlantic city by say 1130
me: and home by 1230 or so
me: if my luggage is there
Friend1: aw
me: eh i just hope i get home or get my luggage my lez zepplin all girl all zepplin shirt is getting a bit.. worn.... hehe
Friend1: haha
me: of all the days i pick to wear a decidedly "out" t shirt
me: haha
Friend1: lol
me: but got nice looks and smile from the security shake down woman hehe
Friend1: lol
me: hey trying to stay positive here : )
Friend1: but of course
me: so do you have a full work week and other busy scheduled plans?
Friend1: mostly just work
Friend1: nothing too bad
me: and you went home for turkey day?
me: and that is cools
Friend1: home on sunday, then grandma's on turkey day
me: ah so you went over the river and through the woods then :P
Friend1: oh yeah
me: : )
me: hmmm
me: i checked online and now it looks like i am in a different concourse sheeeeeiiiiiitttttttt (said in redneck high pitched voice)
Friend1: aw
Friend1: should i just wait for you to reappear?
me: hehe
me: i am just going to keep getting on and off it is almost comical and entertaining :P
me: sorry
me: my humor is getting darker and blacker by the minute
Friend1: no worries
Friend1: no sorries
me: i do believe I am almost to the point of laughing at horror movies... poof
Friend1: ha
me: although we rented planet terror and death proof the other night and laughed all the way through :P
Friend1: haha
me: okkkkk I am off again... I may be back, I may not be, I may be in atlanta or who knows... but my cell and computer are charged i gots a credit card and cash, i am goldennnnn
Friend1: best of luck
me: ok i be back... maybes if not i will catch you eventually soon : )
me: thanks
me: hmmm
me: break a leg is for shows
me: what is the wishing of luck phrase for this situation?
me: hehe
Friend1: no idea, but i'm sending it your way
me: thanks ok laters

me: ok d35 better be the last change :P
me: i feel like i am playing bingo
Friend1: here's hoping
Friend1: how long?
me: well at least hour they said the plane id delayed or the crew or something
Friend1: i'm sorry
me: ah thanks but piffle, it is still an adventure and i am putting the convos up on my blog, gives me somethng to giggle about
me: seriously, it is not baddddddd
me: and it is a story i now have
me: ok maybe it is a little bit pain in the ass
me: hehe
me: now if i can work it to get sympathy from some girl mega bonus
Friend1: best of luck with that
me: hehe
me: hey i should get some positive out of all this :P
Friend1: you should
me: that's right
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