May 30, 2007 10:57
What interesting pathways life weaves.
I find my boss calling me in to tell me my job may change next year, and now I must do much to prepare for that. I find a friendship taking on a new perspective as discussions, activities and more move in ways I have not moved before and I find it fun and exciting and interesting adn will take it for whatever it is and where ever it goes. I find my little one nears the end of her school year and her next birthday and i reflect on her next steps and how she is changing. She will begin a new program this summer for her condition. My co-worker is out this week, a death in her family and I find that takes me down pathways. My sister has chosen to take a dark pathway and this time, for the first time, none of us are being pulled along, we can't be, but we can wait and keep the way back open.
Oh so many things to think about and reason through and explore