Ok - I managed to find an answer to something I found curious today.
I took my environmental science and physical geology classes on a field trip today. We went to Wissahickon park in Philadelphia PA today to study metamorphic rocks, Appalachian Mountian geology and river geology and water pollution.
It was butt ugly cold in the morning - but a sunny day and it got up to the 40s and 50s by the end of the trip. I had a good showing and we had fun - I made those students walk all over and hopefully learned something - if nothing else they all were picking up rocks and stuff.
But on the drive back through Philly, a cop car passed us and I looked and it said Postal Police. even though it was a cop car with lights and everything it had the postal symbol on it.
I was WTF postal police... so after some stereotypical jokes about postal workers needing police and such - I made a note to look into it and I finally did and found this -
http://www.fopnlc2.org/ Who knew such a position exsisted - not me
It always amazes me how much there is out there to learn - that is why I love listening to people and watching things and exploring and traveling and reading and well just - shit - being curious and finding out about something neat - everything in a sense fascinates me...
I know that is a dorky thing, but that is me... gotta explore and find out - Life's too much an adventure not to take advantage