This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... BBQ

May 01, 2011 23:23

a submission to reason by thisissirius
Mark/Eduardo [d/s] [hotness]
Mark and Eduardo have this gorgeous D/s dynamic. Deals with Mark's gradual acceptance of the relationship as they go through the setting up of facebook. I love the dreamy blissed out-ness as Mark submits.

you think you've changed your mind by toestastegood
Mark/Eduardo [telepathy!fic]
Mark wakes up with the ability to hear Eduardo's thoughts. It would have been a lot more helpful when they were still talking to each other.
I love how matter of fact Mark is about his new power. In general I love Mark's POV, he's such an angsty, emotionally awkward little puppy. *scrunches*

they smash up in the sky by oflights
Mark/Eduardo [intense]
I adore Mark's characterisation in this. The way he's older and more mature, he's really grown up, but at the same time he's still Mark, still emotionally awkward, but just more aware of it now. there's a great tension to the whole fic, thanks to Mark's angsty POV, which is totally awesome. I usually dislike Eduardo being in the wrong, but it works very well here, this is a set up I can buy into. His reaction to Mark is neatly tied into his own hangups. For all his apparent open-ness, he does have these serious issues. But then, he's till Wardo, he's still utterly in love with Mar, and bouncy and adorable. "Eduardo’s eyes get wide, and then he’s beaming, the only person in the world who could respond to a sexual proposition like you’ve offered him a basket of kittens and rainbows and candy."

tongue tied and twisted
by restlesspuppy
Adorable and gorgeous. Short. I'm not usually one for RPF but this is v sweet.

let it carry us somewhere unreachable by cold_feets
Neal and El
Absolutely gorgeous little tag to ep 1.10. I love stoned Neal, and I love the El POV here, caring and lovely.

the rehabilitated con con china_shop
Love it, the UST, the pervasive sense of longing. I like the dynamics of the threesome: Neal getting in over his head, Peter wanting but being restrained by his ethics, Peter and El as a team, El being careful and in control of the situation. Definitely the most believable OT3 set up I've read.

ain't seen the sunshine and sequel snowflakes like dust in the sun by eleanor k
John/Lestrade [au]
Awesome AU with John as Sherlock and Mycroft's nanny. The first part is sort of a retelling of Hound of the Baskervilles. Love the characterisation of EVERYBODY. Deft and funny. Convincing AU. Also, Lestrade and John have in-universe blogs! Mixed media style awesome. except maybe I should call it meta awesome? viral marketing awesome except for fic? IDEK. Awesome.

In the land of the blind by entangled_now
Sherlock/John [apoca!fic]
Wonderful characterisation, great tense-but-dreamy atmosphere. Very clever plot.

through which I run by garryowen and talitha78 made a gorgeous vid to go with. There's also a yummy picspam at the end of the fic.
The style of writing takes a moment to get into, but once in it flows very nicely. I really like Wilberforce's POV, so much adoration and love.

in the kitchen with a killer by whomever
Jackson/Lisa [ust]
UST, danger, risk. Perfect little fic for the two of them

original slash recs @ my lj


on slash
"Slash was the only genre of literature I had ever found that followed the characters into bed and back out of it; that investigated and demonstrated how the people they were outside of bed were connected to the people they were in bed; that modeled how to be with someone in everyday life, go to bed with them, and then wake up next to them and continue everyday life with them."


white blank page by lovestories
TSN Mark/Eduardo
Emotional and angsty, great build. Perfect lyric choice. Did they write the song for Mark/Eduardo?!

VidUKon write up @ my lj
Contains many vidrecs, as well as panel write ups (i.e., meta on vidding)

fandom: the social network, [ust], fandom: amazing grace, [d/s], [apoca!fic], fandom: rpf, fandom: red eye, pairing: threesome, non-fic: vids, fandom: sherlock, pairing: het, [intense], fandom: original, pairing: gen, pairing: slash, [hotness], [au], fandom: white collar, non-fic: meta, [telepathy!fic]

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