This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... cookies

Feb 24, 2011 11:47


truth is a whisper by seperis
I love Merlin being in control in the bedroom. Really, really love it. It's so refreshing to get this dynamic. Very very hot and I love the possessiveness.

priveliges of rank by seperis
Merlin/Arthur [intoxicated!fic]
I love having the POV character unaware of what's going on with everyone else. The reader can see Arthur's piecing something together, but it doesn't all come together until the end. Drunk!Merlin is adorable.

arcane asylum by new_kate
Merlin/Arthur [au] [epic] [longfic]
AU where Arthur is framed for a magical crime and sent to the magical version of SONA. Merlin makes him his bitch in a very affable and awkward, Merlin sort of way. There's revolution and magic and lots of angst and drama. I love that it's all complex and difficult. People who hate Uther and people who want revenge, terrorist vs freedom fighter type thing. Brilliant tying of the canon myths/plots and characters into the AU setting. Merlin's backstory in particular, is utterly gorgeous and heartbreaking.

Merlin/Arthur [reveal!fic]

to be known by sometimesophie
[pulling on the heartstrings]
The one where Merlin vomits up his magic. Good and angsty. I like this kind of reveal, the one that starts with a sword at the throat. The whole vomiting up/losing magic thing, is just. Really painful. Poor Merlin.

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance by mellacita
The one with dead Balinor. Yummy angsty reveal!fic.

the tale of the sea serpent by seperis
The one with the sea serpent. First part, with all the chronology jumping, is worth reading twice. I like Arthur's POV a lot. He's all earnest and trying so hard and so very in love. And I love the idea of Arthur as King of the magical creatures as well.

revelation by lamardeuse
The one where Arthur has a beard. Very sweet and adorable. Love the so very in-love Merlin POV in this one.

the definition of a life saved by shinetheway
The one where Merlin hits his head. I like the trippy/dreamy/painful atmosphere with Merlin still recovering from his injury.


divergence by ragdoll987
Bruce/Jim [dark] [ust] [hotness] [au]
Deliciously dark Batman AU. Very very very very hot. Unfortunately abandoned, but it gives you some resolution. Love the darker!Gotham world building. Like the idea with little Jimmy and the similarities Bruce sees in him. Love Jim, earnest, adorable Jim. The page style is eye-killing. Enlarge the text.


Xander's best effort by fydyan
Kinda gorgous


the difference between breaking the bank and just breaking even and sequel by wearemany
Seth/Ryan [hooker!au]
Really adorable Seth characterisation. So, so, so fucking hot. omg.


centuries of stony sleep were vexed to nightmare by britomart_is and sequel
Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC, Sam/OFC, Sam/Dean/OFC [hotness]
The Antichrist needs an heir. Post/during apocalyptic world. Sort of ambiguously dark!Sam. Awesome OFC, love the outsider POV.

instruction by britomart_is
Sam/Dean [d/s] [hotness]
Fuck, fuck. That's just. Absurdly hot.

me and the devil blues and sequel by britomart_is
Sam/Dean [epic] [interesting idea]
Totally epic. Awesome idea. Great writing as usual, very intense.

the air moves in to fill the spaces where my body's been and sequel by britomart_is
Sam/Dean [ust] [hotness]
My God. The UST in this is unbelievable. I prefer the first one, mainly because I like reading UST over actual sex.

Sam thumbs the drop of cherry from his cheek, sucks it into his mouth and groans appreciatively. “That’s good, Dean.”

Dean knows perfectly well that Sam hates cherry flavor, and any minute now they’re going to drift into oncoming traffic and die in a blaze of steel and flame and unresolved sexual tension, because Dean’s looking at Sam, not the road.

looks on tempests
Sam/Dean [future!fic] [omfg cuteness]
Oh this is absolutely adorable. I like future fic/characters growing old, but seriously fic at this level of adorableness is a rare thing.

the king of imperfection takes back the prince of mistakes
Aw team fuckup. I'm head-canoning this into a couple of years before Looks on Tempests

my soul look back and wonder
Sam/Dean [yummy happy]
Oh yes, very very much yes. It's the perfect wonderful happy ever after, 'true love solves all' sort of way you want it to end.

[ust], [omfg cuteness], [d/s], [pulling on the heartstrings], [intoxicated!fic], [reveal!fic], [long!fic], [future!fic], [yummy happy], pairing: threesome, pairing: het, pairing: slash, fandom: merlin, [hotness], [au], [epic], fandom: supernatural, fandom: the oc, [interesting idea], [dark], [hooker!au], fandom: batman nolanverse, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer

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