This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... fish

Jan 08, 2011 22:28

restaurant wars by frostfire_17
Neal/Peter/El [ust] [yummy happy] [hotness]

living on by wingdance
Lily surives the attack on Godric's Hollow [pulling on the heartstrings] [au] [interesting idea]
Lovely characterisation for all of them, the good sort of AU where previously minor characters are a delight to read about. Some nice inter-house work through Severus, Blaise and Tracey, and I like the recognition of the 'behind the scenes'-type of hero. Deals well with pain and grief, but also has flashes of almost absurd humour.

a life so much less than ordinary
Harry/Luna [interesting idea] [pulling on the heartstrings]
Ginny leaves Harry for Scorpius Malfoy. Harry attempts to deal with the wreckage, Luna is surprisingly helpful.
Unusual pairings all round, but pulled off very well. Relationships are messy, and the breakdown of them messier still. It's all very painful and tangled up and vaguely incestuous in the way that both the wizarding world, and cheating on lovers with close friends, always is. Refreshing lack of bashing and judging, Just people, bad choices, trying to do right and trying to be adults even when they don't know how.


these are bad days by lise
Short, missing scene style. I wish it had ended in a kiss, but my shipping preferences are obvious.

weight of a promise by greensl33ves
Felix POV nicely nails the sticky situation. (All hail alliteration!)

something to look forward to by greensl33ves
A little too coercive. I don't know, seems like this should hit my powerless kink, but it feels like it's edging too far into non-con territory. That said, there's little enough written in this fandom and I'll take what I can get.

something old, something new by violet_quill
Nice look at how their canon relationship might turn out, Felix still with that edge of flirting, but holding himself back. Mildmay loving but not lusting after him.


Two oldish vids by obsessive24 IDK how I missed these first time round.

people got a lotta nerve
Some lovely use of blue sun imagery, and I like the lyric tie-in for the reavers.

I wish I was queer so I could get chicks
[pretty damn funny]
Crack, hilarious crack. Poor old Chuck.

on the prowl by sisabet and sweetestdrain
I didn't rec this the first time I watched it. It's one of those vids that needed time to settle. I'd recommend watching without spoiling too much. Unless you're likely to be triggered. [Warnings: nudity, blood, violence, trauma, torture, self harm.]

Further review: [It's a tough vid. Difficult to watch, particularly the later scenes. But I think it says interesting things about us as fans. Certainly I recognise some of my own desires in it.

It's a self portrait of two vidders, but it resonates with a lot of fandom at large. And it looks at what we want from our favourite characters, what we want to put them through and where we each as individuals draw our lines.]

keep trekkin' by dreamrequiem
mostly my though process for this was something like:
Hey, propaganda!
Pretty! Pretty!
Pretty! More Pretty! YAY

And I kept expecting to be all UGH. SHOW AUDIO. YUCK. But that only happened once. The other times it was either part of the music or neatly inserted into the soundtrack.

[ust], fandom: star trek xi, fandom: doctrine of labyrinths, [pulling on the heartstrings], fandom: harry potter, fandom: firefly, [yummy happy], pairing: threesome, non-fic: vids, pairing: het, pairing: gen, pairing: slash, [hotness], [au], fandom: white collar, fandom: supernatural, [interesting idea], fandom: multi-fandom

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