Just over a year ago, during my 2008 Christmas break, I started a pointlessly ambitious project to make a post identifying all the songs in the
Nico Nico Douga medley as well as explaining the history behind each of them. I put in a lot of research and managed to get it over half done before losing interest and forgetting all about it, so something that started on a whim ended just as fast. It's unlikely I could have finished it anyway since parts of the medley use a few incredibly obscure songs that would be difficult to source info on and the whole project was probably too much for any one person, no matter how meme-savvy the are. And then a few days ago, through the YouTube activity of a friend, I discover other people have already
compiled this information in a more interesting way than I could have. That's not to say that video couldn't do with a few improvements. Translating the names/lyrics would make it more interesting for non-Japanese speakers to follow and some of the gaming-related entries are misleading since Beware the Forest's Mushrooms/Air Man Can't Be Defeated/Okkusenman are listed as original BGM even thought the video uses lyrics from the remixes that obviously led to their inclusion.
Anyway the 2010 GameFAQs Character Contest is due to begin in a few hours with the usual opening ceremony of Link stomping the tar out of whatever poor unfortunate character got drawn against him. The contest has gone back to the old one-on-one format which has much less potential for upsets or interesting analysis but it'll give me an excuse to post regularly for a while.