And you do not understand how deliciously appropriate that header is! Today, lo and behold, I received a miracle: fanfiction for 'Adam Adamant Lives!'!! Not just that, but a story featuring Georgie and Simms investigating a crime on their own. Every note is perfect, from the hokey title to the contrived set-up (using a dinner theatre as a cover for a brainwashing-laser-death-ray, anyone?), to a pair of villains who can't resist a good monologue. I laughed out loud, I grinned all the way through. Even people who aren't fans of ridiculous sixties tv will love the whimsy and abject, gleeful silliness of this delightful story. And who knows? Maybe it will prompt you to check out my beloved fandom.
At long last, behold!
All the World's a Stage for Death!
Look! Look! Is that not the most fantastic title ever?! And it has deadly lasers! And limericks! Have I mentioned how in love with this story I am? Have I? Because I am.