I'll admit, this is the first time I've signed up for this, so it's got me a little nervous. If you're the same, or just looking for a little guidance, here's a note (because it seems to be the done thing).
First off, I have challenges of every type, so if you're a slasher, a gen writer, or like to write a little femmeslash, I've got good challenges I think, and am quite flexible. My challenges this year are as follows:
1. (the only solidly slash challenge) Lestrade/Holmes
I've asked you to write a story in which Holmes seduces Lestrade while in disguise. What that disguise is and how this all goes down is really up to you, as is the level of explicitness expressed in this story. If you need ideas about costumes, there are plenty that might be fun. The classic is the 'Holmes in a dress' scenario, of course, but if you want to get even more creative, as well as go with a surprise for Holmes, maybe keep his disguise firmly in the male set: foreign dignitary, dockworker, merchant, etc. My only requirements here are the premise, the characters, and the slash. I'm really interested in an exploration of how Holmes sometimes takes a disguise too far, and how he either fixes the mess or doesn't. I mentioned in my challenge that a happy ending would be fun, and that's mostly because I think after writing that, a happy ending may be a bit more challenging than an angst-fest. If you think that a not-so-happy ending is just going to be better for this story, go for it. I just like giving you food for thought.
2. Constance Greene/Corrie Swanson
The world doesn't have enough "Agent Pendergast" femmeslash, now does it? Or, if you prefer, Corrie/Constance gen fic. This is really all about the clash of cultures between a Nine Inch Nails loving, purple-hair sporting badass of a midwestern teen, and her ageless, crazy counterpart. Explore whatever aspect of this clash strikes your fancy. If you're having trouble coming up with something, here are a few ideas off the top of my head: ideals and morals (what's important, what's done in good society), technology (Corrie introducing Constance to the internet, anyone?), or if you want something darker how about their general outlook. Constance is crazy, and was possibly a witness/accomplice to a serial killer for nearly a century. Her crazy may know no bounds under the surface, and she may actually turn the tables and want to go way further than Corrie. Basically, what I'm saying is that any thought that pops into your head on this particular topic would be nothing but groovy.
3. Adele Mundy/Tovera
RCN femmeslash you say? Never been done as far as I can see on the internet, and it's high time. It's perfectly believable given canon, isn't it? I would absolutely believe that both of these ladies could go for other women if given the right persuasion (and if Adele were convinced that the lady is more interesting than books and information). I would love it if this were solidly femmeslashy, but if that's just not coming to you that's okay. The real interest here lies in how similar and dissimilar they are. Adele could so easily become what Tovera already is, so the question is: what's keeping her from going there? Is she afraid of losing Daniel Leary because she knows that's what's waiting for her? A character piece wrapped up in smut would be wonderful, of course, but I'm good with almost any level of intimacy so long as it really cuts to the heart of their repel/attract relationship.
4. Albert Rosenfield/Dale Cooper
This is my 'go wild' challenge. I've given you a few suggestions in the prompt already if you need them (post-Twin Peaks, case-related, etc.) but this is one where I don't have any specific desires. Gen or slash are both fabulous, so long as the thing is chock-full of delightful snark, craziness and great interaction. These characters are all about the wonky dialogue so go nuts! If it's got them and has lots of interactions I'm going to love it.
So that's it! I hope you have a good time writing this, and I can't wait to see what you end up writing!