So, yes, in addition to everything else I do (and watch) I do tune in to see one or two, or three in this case, shows on my actual television set that don't run on BBC America. I know, it's a shocker, but what can I say? I'm really just as shallow as everyone else.
Or maybe not, because if my distaste for two of the three finales I just tuned into
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Rediculously Old Fraud, who I still call Scooter, was my favorite potential and not only because I kept shouting "Jacob Carter!" at the screen. I really like that actor in everything I've seen him in, so it was no surprise he was my favorite potential. I actually stopped watching about the time he stopped being a potential in fact, which shows how much on his side I was.
For me, this worked, as you say, because of House and Wilson who, along with Cuddy, have always been the very heart of the show. Their friendship is the key to making this whole thing work, and how their friendship mends or doesn't next season will be a huge important element. And for this I hug writers. *HUG*
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