God Jul!

Dec 24, 2007 22:46


It's late. Still the 24th, but my Christmas celebrations are officially over. It's been a wonderful day. I'll picspam you about it later. ♥ (Although I will say one thing: I GOT SUSHI. ON CHRISTMAS EVE! Wheeeee! \o/) I'm exhausted, but I'm popping in quickly to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. I know 25th is the big day for most of you.

I wanted to express how much I love all of you and how grateful I am to be even a teeny tiny part of your lives but I'll just say: YOU. ARE. AWESOME. ♥ ♥ ♥ Merry Christmas, darlings!

Remeber this? The above manip was an attempt at making a better Winchester Christmas, wee!chester style (because that manip kind of sucks). Unfortunately I didn't get enough time to work on mine (although I started on it in November...) so it is what it is. *sigh* I hope you like it anyway.

manips, fanart, christmas, fanart: supernatural, flist

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