Shea let me out of the room for a while so I could finally update this thing.
I guess Shea has told some of you that I was kicked by Shelia... well I am ok, but it hurt a lot. I was just trying to go in her room because thats where they both were so I could spend time with them. I know Shelia hates me, but I wasn't trying to bother her. She has since apologized to me, and even came in my room and petted me goodnight. So all is forgiven and we are cool.
I was pretty lonely all weekend. Shelia actually did feed me though while Shea was gone. I still missed picking on Shea though. I spent most of my time sleeping under the bed or on the window sill. I ripped up some of Shea's posters just to let her know I dont lie it when I'm left in the room all weekend. I dont even think she notices her posters anymore though. She used to come in and yell at me about it. Now she just looks at them and stares at me like she' lost all hope. LOL... I know she loves me. The rest of my time I spent cleaning myself and trying to occupy my brain with stuff to do.
Well after Shea came home all I heard all evening was screaming between her and Shelia. I was quite upset about that especially when Shea invaded my space and wrote in this weird paper thing she calls a journal, playing extremely loud music. Followed by more screaming when she went back out. After a while the loving atmosphere was back.
not much has happened with me today. But I might be taking some pics tomorrow to share with you all.
Peace out Pussies,