May 19, 2004 17:06
So I haven't updated in a while... a long while.
The cicadas have come, mostly. I'm not sure if they're in full force yet, but I can hear them buzzing in the trees. I brought a cicada into math and english class, which was a really bad idea. In math it was okay (except Simone really flipped out), but in english it started making a lot of noise. Everyone in the class noticed *except* Ms. McElhiney. Which was fortunate, because she would have really yelled at me. I was totally panicked when it started making noise, so I ran outside and let it out.
The cicadas are totally like Moby-Dick (oh the metempsychosis!) so I will leave you with this...
Know ye now, Cicada? Glimpses do ye seem to see of that mortally intolerable truth; that all earnest upward burrowing is but the intrepid effort of the bug to escape out into the open world; while the heaviest dirt of heaven and earth conspire to keep it beneath the treacherous, slavish soil?
So better is it to be devoured by a hungry bird, than to remain ingloriously buried beneath the earth, even if that were safety! For worm-like, then, oh! who would craven crawl back into the ground! Terrors of the terrible! Is all this agony so vain?
Consider all this; and then turn to this brown, benign, and most docile soil; consider them both, the earth and the open air above it; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself? For as this terrible world lies above the mahogany earth, so in the soul of man there lies one layer of soil, full of peace and joy, but compressed by all the horrors of the half know life. God keep thee! Emerge not from that soil, thou canst never return!
Thank you and goodnight.